Romania lay under the veil of communism for over 40 years until it experienced a revolution in 1989. In the wake of communism’s fall, evangelical work and workers entered the country and made modest gains in evangelization. Like much of Europe, the younger Romanian generations struggle to see the need and significance for God and His Word. Western ideologies and the trappings of commercialism have fed a desire to serve a new dictator--self. Comparable to many areas in the world young people are leaving their rural hometowns and moving to urban areas for education and employment opportunities. Much ministry work is available and necessary, particularly at the young people’s level. Romanians enjoy sports and recreation. There is a significant open door for ministry opportunities using these interests.



Ministry Opportunities:

-We are looking for individual(s) and couples to disciple young people through sports related activities, i.e. soccer, basketball, etc.

-We are looking for couples and families to assist in church planting and strengthening work.

-We are also looking for disciple makers who possess agrarian skills like farming and ranching to work with people in the small churches in the mountains.