Training Curriculum
TMM curriculum includes a foundational Bible and Missions curriculum as well as technical studies and hands-on instruction.
Bible and Missions Curriculum
Scriptural Foundations for Vocational Missions
A consideration of biblical truths which are foundational to vocational missions. This includes the issues of scriptural authority, a survey of the program of God throughout history, and a discussion of the scriptural rationale for bearing the gospel to all the world. Candidates will build confidence in understanding the scripture’s message and skill in using the scriptures in ministry applications. Candidates will begin to develop discernment in applying the scriptures message without cultural bias.
The Family and Missions
A careful study of issues relating to the missionary's responsibility to give leadership to their family—with special attention to the unusual demands made upon a family in a foreign culture. Candidates will learn to understand the preeminence of Christ in the family, church, work, and recreational life. This is also important for those candidates who do not have an immediate family entering the field with them.
Biblical Principles in Missions Ministry
An overview of mission work as practiced in the New Testament, with special attention to the ministry of church planting in both rural and urban areas. Candidates will learn to understand the sovereignty of God and its implications for the missionary’s qualifications, motivations, goals, and methods of ministry. Candidates will begin to discern biblical theology from contradictory cultural theology and traditions. Candidates will gain an appreciation for the parallels in the biblical cultural settings with that of the developing world in both its remote and urban expressions.
Doctrinal Issues Influencing Foreign Mission Work
A study of specific areas of doctrine which relate to the work of foreign missions and which have been sources of difficulty and debate among those involved in foreign mission work. Candidates will develop doctrinal discernment and understand the implications of theological debate at home and on the mission field and its effect on mission ministry.
Technical Curriculum
Heavy Construction and Millwork*
An introductory course in the basic design theory and construction techniques of small dam, road, and airstrip construction; the basic practices of timber management: the setup, operation, and maintenance of portable sawmills, all with emphasis on designs and techniques appropriate for the limited resources of developing countries.
A program of instruction in diesel engines, gasoline engines, and drive trains. This is designed to equip candidates to perform maintenance and repair on a variety of vehicles, machines, and power plants utilized on the mission field. Candidates will learn the various systems used in an automobile and become skilled in the repair and maintenance of those systems. Candidates will learn to develop creativity in emergency breakdowns and routine repairs.
Community Planning and Management*
An introductory course in basic community planning in undeveloped areas. Topics include health and environmental considerations, the enhancement of traditional enterprise, and the development of new enterprise appropriate to local resources. Much of this course is devoted to the design, installation, and maintenance of water systems.
Building Construction*
A program of instruction in the basic design and construction of residential and light commercial buildings with special emphasis on materials and techniques utilized in developing countries.
Missionary Life**
Discussion of some of the practical demands of living and ministering in a foreign setting—whether rural or urban. Candidates will gain practical skills in basic mission travel, health and first aid, youth, men’s, and women’s ministries, office management and leadership, communications, meal preparation and other selected topics. Candidates will learn how to prepare and adapt to various contingencies to best fulfill their ministry. This helps for deputation and departure.
Home and Family**
A consideration for the unique challenges intrinsic to life of a foreign missionary. Special emphasis is given to the demands upon missionary children in which biblical strategies will be applied to anticipate and minister to those demands. Candidates will learn principles involved in being a godly disciple and in raising children with a strong biblical foundation. Emphasis is given to aiding candidates in learning to set the proper atmosphere for the Christian home amidst the many changes and inconveniences encountered on the mission field.
*The starred technical training courses are required by male candidates and are optional for women.
**The starred technical training courses are required by female candidates and are optional for men.