Life on the Mountain
From work to play- Enjoy some pictures of day-to-day activities from the training year at TMM!
Splitting firewood
Chainsaw class
Replacing a bad water pump

Cleaning up after a concrete pour
Having fun in bush driving class
Welding class


Big concrete job
Learning how to run the sawmill

Bible Class
Lots of time for goofing around!

Summer lake days

Clearing trees


Hiking to the waterfall
Replacing the roof of one of the cabins
Bush driving class
Women's gardening class
Lots of mud!
Putting in a small dam
More firewood!

Getting ready for new candidates

Mechanics class

Equipment repair

Gathered around the campfire

Class picture!
Ladies class

Earth moving class

Learning to operate the machinery

Gardening class

Concrete pour

Changing out water pumps

Cooking for a group of visitors

Concrete work

Kick ball!

Mechanics class

Changing a bad water pump

Chainsaw class
Dam building class

4th of July party!

Bible class

Dozer operation

Cooking for visitors

Dozer maintenance

Bush driving

Cutting down a tree for firewood