Africa is woven into the DNA of The Masters Mission. One of our founders was a third-generation missionary in Africa. Much of Central Africa lies as a fault line between Christianity and Islam. It is an area where you can still find whole people groups who have never heard the name of Jesus uttered. Opportunities for the gospel abound here. Church planting in this area appeals to those who, like the Apostle Paul, seek to, β€œnot build on another man’s foundation.” In cooperation and partnership with the local church and national evangelical associations, we labor together to reach these desperate areas with the life-giving message of hope through the gospel. This is accomplished as our missionaries live amongst the people they are trying to reach. By learning the language and culture, missionaries can establish the necessary social structure which affords rich discipleship opportunities with their neighbors as they introduce them to their Creator.


Ministry opportunities:

-We are looking for couples and families who want to be part of church planting + church strengthening teams.

-We are looking for couples and families to serve as house parents in orphaned children’s homes.

-We are looking for Bible teachers/ Pastor disciplers.