Alaska, though not a “foreign” field, has many components of overseas ministry. The convergence of cultures, whether that is in the form of indigenous peoples, people born in Alaska, or transplants to the “last frontier” from around the globe, all combine to make it a diverse place to live and do ministry. The harsh winters, which see temperatures down to -65 degrees Fahrenheit for weeks, call for people with no small amount of grit and grace. The beauty and grandeur of this vast land redeems what is lost by the temperature extremes. The harshness of the winter and remoteness of the terrain is mirrored in the hearts of the people living there. In the Alaskan interior there remains many gospel proclaiming ministry opportunities among native peoples, military personnel, people born in Alaska, and also folks who have moved to Alaska to escape from society at large. Though the challenges are formidable, the field is truly white for harvest in Alaska.


Ministry Opportunities:

-We are looking for couples and families interested in serving in village ministry, working with native people groups.

-We are looking for an individual(s) and families interested and gifted with computers (or willing to learn) to assist in a Christian radio ministry.